Suffering from tonsil stones and looking for a safe and quick solution?
You're not the only one dealing with this discomfort.
One in 10 people get these embarrassing, cheese-like, smelly 'stones' in the back of their throat.
Although it may seem like a hopeless situation, don't panic because there is a solution.
In this article, I’ll answer this question from Elwin (whose colleagues used to call him “Smellwin” because of his bad-smelling breath).
What’s the best remedy for tonsil stones? And how can I clean my tonsils effectively? My partner complains about my bad breath and the smell is making me insecure. Nothing that I’ve tried so far has helped.
Before I talk about the most helpful treatment methods in more detail, let me first share three facts about tonsil stones.
3 facts about tonsil stones:
Tonsil stones (or tonsilloliths) are small white or yellow chunks in the grooves of your tonsils. These calcified deposits have a cheese-like texture and consist mainly of food debris, tongue coating, nasal mucus and anaerobic bacteria.
Tonsil stones have an intense smell and cause a distinctive foul breath. Without the proper knowledge, this strong odour is hard to get rid of, and it makes many sufferers insecure and prone to avoid intimate contact and social situations.
When the tonsils aren’t appropriately cleaned, tonsil stones may remain present for years.
Desperate to have your fresh breath back?
The key question is not whether you should clean your tonsils but how you can do this safely and effectively without the risk of irritating the tonsils with aggressive substances or sharp objects.
What method can I use to remove my tonsil stones?
First, avoid hard objects such as cotton buds, water flossers, picks and other tonsil stone removal tools.
Doctors advise against their use for the following 3 reasons.
Your tonsils are full of blood vessels, and accidental contact may cause internal bleeding.
Moreover, these tools are not practical. Most of the smelly stones are invisible, hidden too deep in the tonsil crypts to be removed.
Metal picks may rust, potentially causing a severe tetanus infection.
What do doctors say about tonsil stone removal tools?
Some websites recommend using electric oral irrigators, sharp tonsil stone removal tools and even toothbrushes. “This is very unwise,” warns ENT specialist Jennifer Setlur, MD. “You run the risk of bleeding and injury to blood vessels.”
So, what methods are safe to use?
Based on the literature, tests and advice from our dental specialists, I have drawn up a top 5 of the best, most effective and most sensible products to remove tonsil stones.
Number 1. OraMarie® Tonsil Stone Removal Serum (best proven and safest product)
OraMarie® Tonsil Clean Serum is by far the best and safest method to get rid of tonsil stones without any chance of irritating your tonsils.
The OraMarie® serum is enriched with the revolutionary DioXCS+™ technology.
DioXCS+™ is an oxidation technology that liquidizes and neutralises those nasty tonsil stones, making them disappear like snow in summer.
How does the OraMarie® Tonsil Stone Removal serum work?
The unique, safe DioXCS+ technology™ breaks the biofilm and oxidises the tonsil stones' structure, cleaning all the way down to the bottom of the tonsil crypts.
It cleans the oral cavity and eliminates unpleasant odours from your throat, so your breath smells fresh within 10 seconds.
See below how the formula reaches and cleanses the tonsils far back in the throat.
The alcohol-free formula neutralises your tonsils' sulphurous, foul-smelling odour for instant fresh breath.
You can relax in social situations without worrying about whether your breath smells.
An added advantage is that the manufacturer offers a no-hassle money-back guarantee.
Do you want to choose the best, most effective and safest way to remove tonsil stones?
Discover here if the OraMarie® Tonsil Serum is right for you.
2. TonsilClin MCX11 Vacuum Tonsil Stone Remover (glass-free)
There’s a good reason why the TonsilClin Tonsil Stone Cupping Pipette is ranked second on the list of best remedies.
If, in addition to the OraMarie® serum, you still want to use a tonsil stone removal instrument, your best (and safest) choice is this TonsilClin suctioning technique.
TonsilClin acts like a miniature vacuum cleaner for your tonsils, enabling you to extract all the gunk from your oral cavity, including tonsil stones.
Squeezing the ball creates a comfortable, safe and strong vacuum to remove all oral debris within 1 minute.
Below, you can see how easy it is to use TonsilClin.
Never use pipettes made of glass.
Be sure to closely examine the type of material the pipette is made of.
99% of all aspirating pipettes on the market are made of glass, which may break and should never be used in your mouth.
It is better to choose TonsilClin. The aspirating pipette is made in the Netherlands from Tritan MX811, a medical-grade plastic that cannot break and will last a lifetime.
Unlike most other tonsil stone-removing instruments, TonsilClin not only focuses on the surface but reaches even the deepest areas of the tonsils, where most tonsil stones lay hidden - sometimes for years.
Find out if TonsilClin is the right choice for you here.
3. TonsilFresh Nasal Cleaning Drops
An effective way to prevent tonsil stones is to use TonsilFresh Nasal Sinus Drops.
Tonsil stones consist primarily of nasal mucus (post-nasal drip) that reaches your tonsil crypts through your nasal cavity.
Once this mucus has entered the back of the throat, the pus slowly turns into a stinky stone. You can stop this process using nasal drops, such as TonsilFresh.
Simply place a few drops into each nostril and let the solution drip down your nose into your throat to neutralise excess nasal mucus before it accumulates in your tonsil crypts.
This helps eliminate a key cause of tonsil stones.
The 100% natural spray is non-addictive and helps freshen your breath.
View TonsilFresh Nasal Drops on this website.
4. RyttPro Tonsil Stone Removal Spray (Magic Mint)
RyttPro Tonsil Stone Spray is a mouth spray containing active oxygen, which helps to neutralise smelly gasses from your tonsils.
The key ingredient used in RyttPro is OZ-3X™.
Scientific analyses of tonsil stones have revealed they contain Eubacterium, Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Selenomonas and Tannerella.
These anaerobic bacteria produce smelly sulphur odours that are comparable to the smell of rotten eggs.
It’s not surprising, therefore, that tonsil stones have such an intense odour and cause foul breath.
Anaerobic means without oxygen, so these bacteria prefer to live in places with little oxygen, such as in the depths of the tonsil crypts.
Spraying your throat with this OZ-3X™ technology will help fight these bacteria.
OZ-3X™ consists of stabilised sodium chlorite, zinc, CPC and essential oils.
According to multiple studies, this is a proven combination to clean the tonsil crypts and freshen breath.
View the RyttPro products here.
5. Julibrite Tongue Cleaning Kit
A clean tongue is conducive to clean tonsils and fresh-smelling breath. Because the base of your tongue is located near your tonsils, and the plaque between your tongue tissues usually also extends to your tonsils.
You can check this for yourself. Stick out your tongue and look in the mirror. Most people who suffer from tonsil stones also have a white or yellowish coating on their tongue.
Using JuliBrite Tongue Cleaner and JuliBrite Tongue Gel is one of the most effective methods for deep cleaning your tongue.
The 4-in-1 Julibrite Tongue Cleaner easily beats flat (metal) tongue scrapers, as these often forget to brush the spongy areas in the tongue tissue, where most tongue debris is located.
JuliBrite's tongue cleaner uses ultra-fine bristles, 3 scrapers of different heights and a “gunk collector”, so you can be sure you don't miss any part of your tongue, and the debris can no longer creep up on your tonsils.
The tongue gel is an effective cleaner for fresh-smelling breath.
Find out here if the JuliBrite Tongue Cleaning Kit is right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions about tonsil stones
If you never want to suffer from tonsil stones again, good oral hygiene and the proper removal tools are paramount.
Your 5-step approach to preventing tonsil stones:
Avoid mouthwashes and toothpastes containing sulphates. Instead, use RyttPro or JuliBrite.
Clean your tonsils using OraMarie® Nourishing Tonsil Serum. And, if necessary, use the TonsilClin Tonsil Stones Suction Pipette.
Clean your nasal cavities using TonsilFresh XinusActiv Nasal Cleaning Drops.
Clean your tongue using Bergenfeld Tongue Drops and JuliBrite Tongue Cleaning Kit
Moisten your mouth by sleeping with mouth tape (NiteZipp) and hydrating with XaliFlow Mouth Spray and MoistR Chewing Gum.
The scientific name for tonsil stones is tonsilloliths. People also sometimes call them “stinky stones” or say they have gunk, debris or lumps in the throat. Tonsil stones form in the small cavities in your tonsils.
Tonsil stones aren’t harmful, but they can be bothersome. The larger they are, the more they tend to cause irritation, discomfort when swallowing or a foreign body sensation in the throat.
All tonsil stones smell, even the small ones. And while they aren’t harmful, they do cause bad breath. And that's something you could certainly do without.
You can try to remove tonsil stones safely yourself by using the OraMarie® Tonsil Stone Removal serum.
Tonsils are glands at the back of your throat that primarily consist of lymphatic tissue, which helps remove waste products such as mucus and blood cells from the body.
Due to the irregular texture of the tonsils, which often becomes even worse due to infections, these waste products can get stuck along the way.
The larger crypts are a good place for food debris to hide away too. And it’s these materials that cause tonsil stones. They start life as a soft little lump and then grow. When tonsil stones contain minerals such as calcium, they actually feel like hard pebbles.
Your tonsils contain a lot of blood vessels. So, it’s best to avoid using objects to clean your tonsils wherever possible, as this can cause severe injury or bleeding.
Fortunately, there are also remedies you can use safely. Standing head and shoulders above the rest is OraMarie® Tonsil Serum. Increasingly recommended by ENT professionals, OraMarie®'s DioXCS11™ technology helps prevent surgical removal of the tonsils.
Anyone who hasn’t had their tonsils removed can develop tonsil stones.
And many people don't even know they have them.
You can check whether you have tonsil stones by using the TonsilClin Cupping Pipette.
You can best remove tonsil stones using OraMarie® Serum. And if you want to, you can combine this serum with TonsilClin Tonsil Stone Remover.
You can use cotton buds for tonsil stones that have worked their way to the surface.
However, 95% of tonsil stones are so deep down that they’re invisible to the naked eye. So, these can’t be reached using a cotton bud.
Most crypts are too narrow and deep to 'pierce' with instruments. In addition, there’s a good chance you’ll irritate or even damage your tonsils this way.
The TonsilClin Tonsil Stones Cupping Pipette uses a vacuum and reaches a larger area of your tonsils. This allows you to extract tonsil stones from even the deepest grooves. Make sure to use a medical-grade plastic pipette, not a cheap glass one.
To prevent the formation of tonsil stones as much as possible, it’s a good idea to rinse your throat every day after brushing your teeth.
Use an active oxygen formula mouthwash as a throat rinse and gargle as far down the back of your throat as possible.
RyttPro Mouthwash has a higher oxygen concentration than similar mouthwashes. Active oxygen fights harmful bacteria in the mouth and throat and neutralises the foul-smelling gases they produce.
Ensuring your oral flora is balanced will also contribute to healthy teeth and fresh breath and help prevent tonsil stones.
Although having your tonsils surgically removed is the best-proven method against tonsil stones, this isn’t the preferred choice for most people (and doctors). It has an increased risk of complications, and adults, in particular, can suffer greatly.
Besides, many professionals believe that you shouldn’t have your tonsils removed. They are, after all, there for a reason.
So, it's only logical you opt for a quicker and easier solution and clean your own tonsils.
But before you do, carefully study the product you want to use. Some methods may be unsafe, and not all tonsil stone removal tools are equally effective.
Chances are that if you have bad breath, it’s caused by tonsil stones. But you can’t judge how fresh or foul your breath is because you're used to your own breath odour.
The HALI-Q Bad Breath Tester is the perfect solution.
Bad breath is caused by bacteria at the back of the tongue and in tonsil stones. These microorganisms use the content of tonsil stones and convert it to foul-smelling sulphur gases.
The unique sensors in the HALI-Q Bad Breath Tester measure the released gases.
Exhale into the sensor—the more intense the smell, the higher the score. If your score is high, it will help if you clean your tonsils, tongue and nose using the products listed in this Top 10.
The Oravall Dental Camera is a simple tool to help you check the status of your tonsils.
The camera records live images that you can play back to watch on your smartphone.
The information on this website is not a substitute for medical advice. If you have doubts about your health or need health advice, contact your doctor or healthcare professional. Also, contact your doctor immediately if your tonsils are large, red or uneven, if you have difficulty swallowing or breathing if pus or blood comes from the tonsils, or if you have pain or an earache.